We work in partnership with various EPCMs to provide our clients with tailored solutions that meet their specific needs. During preliminary site inspections, environmental impact assessments and feasibility studies, we consider a variety of factors including climatic and existing support infrastructural conditions.
Our expertise in plant sizing, material selection, and modular construction and design ensures our biogas plants are always laid out in the most efficient way possible. We select the best-fit EPCM or form a consortium and work with them on each project to develop proprietary technologies to appropriately handle the substrates available for efficient biomethane processing. Our goal is to help our clients achieve their overarching goals in an efficient, cost-effective and environmentally friendly way.

Anaerobic digestion to biogas
All organic matter can be readily biodegraded within 21 days in a series of biochemical reactions achieved under controlled conditions (digesters) to produce biogas (bio-methane). We work in partnership with EPCMs to provide our clients with tailored solutions that meet their specific needs. During preliminary site inspections, environmental impact assessments, feed-type assessments and analysis as well as required feasibility studies, we consider a variety of factors including climatic and existing support infrastructural conditions. At BioSolve Group, we understand the importance of customized design in industrial size digesters for the anaerobic digestion of organic wastes. Contact us today to learn how we can help you design an industrial size digester that meets your specific needs.
Biogas Purification rng/cbg
At BioSolve Group, we understand the potential of biogas to be converted to natural gas quality either as renewable natural gas (RNG) or as compressed biogas (CBG). These two products require additional processing and purification steps, but they are profitable forward-thinking shifts towards a greener, more sustainable energy future. RNG is acceptable for use in natural gas vehicles as a direct replacement for regular natural gas. CBG can be used for clean-cooking and heating.
The process steps for biogas purification have undergone several technological evolutions in the last decade. Most of these technologies can be delivered for installation as modular units. Our team will work closely with you to identify the most suitable technology adaptable to your biogas type and environmental conditions. We will conceptualize adaptations where necessary based on our understanding of your needs.
Contact us today to learn how we can help you take advantage of the profitable opportunities presented by RNG and CBG, and how we can help you take the necessary steps to achieve a greener, more sustainable energy future

Biogas to Electrification
We custom-design the architectural framework and work with seasoned electrical engineers to ensure power generation, transmission and distribution for capacities ranging from 1 MW to 10 MW and above, tailored to the client’s budget and area-coverage.
We utilize the services of Engineering, Procurement and Constructions Management (EPCM) companies from Europe, Central and Middle East Asia as well as Africa to deliver functional and high quality biogas production plants pre-designed for specific electricity capacities.
At BioSolve Group, we understand the potential of biogas to generate heat or electricity through combustion engines, fuel cells, or gas turbines. The resulting electricity can be used locally or sold to the national grid, making biogas a sustainable and renewable energy source. For every volume of biogas, there is a production output of heating potential of 6 kilowatt-hours per cubic meter, 2 kilowatt-hours (kWh) of electricity. This heat energy can re-used.
Our team of experts, in partnership with EPCMs, can facilitate this process on behalf of our clients, and we are dedicated to valorizing biogas in community electrification projects. We provide comprehensive solutions, including planning, design, construction, and commissioning of biogas-based power plants. Contact us today to learn how we can help you generate electricity from biogas, and how we can help you take the necessary steps to achieve a greener, more sustainable energy future.
Our team of experts, in partnership with EPCMs, can facilitate this process on behalf of our clients, and we are dedicated to valorizing biogas in community electrification projects. We provide comprehensive solutions, including planning, design, construction, and commissioning of biogas-based power plants. Contact us today to learn how we can help you generate electricity from biogas, and how we can help you take the necessary steps to achieve a greener, more sustainable energy future.